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json spirit_在Linux中使用Spirit越狱Apple iPod Touch


json spirit

How to jailbreak Apple iPod touch in Linux will be introduced in this article. We use Spirit to jailbreak iPod touch. Spirit[1] is an untethered jailbreak for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch on certain firmware versions.

本文将介绍如何在Linux中越狱Apple iPod touch。 我们使用Spirit越狱iPod touch。 Spirit [1]是iPad,iPhone和iPod touch在某些固件版本上不受限制的越狱。

Please read [1] for requirement when using Spirit. Currently, the version of iTunes used should be iTune 9 earlier than 9.2. The firmware’s version should be 3.1.2, 3.1.3 or 3.2.

使用Spirit时,请阅读[1]了解要求。 当前,使用的iTunes版本应该是9.2之前的iTune 9。 固件版本应为3.1.2、3.1.3或3.2。

My iPod which I use in this tutorial is: iPod touch 8G 3.1.3(7E18) Model (MC086ZP). The Linux I used is Fedora 12.

我在本教程中使用的iPod是:iPod touch 8G 3.1.3(7E18)型号(MC086ZP)。 我使用的Linux是Fedora 12。

Okay, let’s go!


1.与iTunes同步 (1. Synchronise with iTunes)

As what we usually do. This step is highly recommended by Spirit.

像我们通常所做的那样。 Spirit强烈建议执行此步骤。

2.下载适用于Linux的Dowload Spirit jaibreak并进行编译 (2. Dowload Spirit jaibreak for Linux and compile it)

获取源代码 (Get the source code)

$ git clone http://github.com/posixninja/spirit-linux.git

安装依赖的开发包 (Install depended development packages)

$ sudo yum install libplist-devel libimobiledevice-devel

You may need to install other development packages such as make, gcc etc.


建设精神 (Build spirit)

$ cd spirit-linux
$ make

3.将iPod设置为不自动锁定 (3. Set iPod to not Auto-lock)

In Settings->General->Auto-lock, select never.


4.使用电缆将iPod touch连接到Linux盒 (4. Connect iPod touch to the Linux box with cable)

5.越狱 (5. jailbreak it)

$ ./spirit

$ ./精神

6. iPod将重新启动 (6. iPod will reboot)

The jailbreak work will start. Wait for a few minutes.

越狱工作将开始。 等待几分钟。

7.完成 (7. Done)

Congratulations! Now, look for the Cydia icon. My favourite applications are Terminal and OpenSSH. Remember to change the password of root and mobile users for security.

恭喜你! 现在,寻找Cydia图标。 我最喜欢的应用程序是Terminal和OpenSSH。 为了安全起见,请记住更改root用户移动用户的密码。

参考: (Reference:)

[1] http://www.spiritjb.com/

[1] http://www.spiritjb.com/

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/jailbreaking-apple-ipod-touch-with-spirit-in-linux/

json spirit

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