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A video made the rounds on social media a few weeks ago that was the perfect highlight of what is wrong with the PlayStation Store. It was from Mike Rose, the founder of publishing label No More Robots, documenting his attempts to find their newest game Descenders on the PlayStation Store on the day it released.

视频在社交媒体上几个星期前,这是,什么是错的PlayStation Store上完美的亮点就传开了。 它来自发行标签No More Robots的创始人Mike Rose,记录了他在发行当天在PlayStation Store上寻找其最新游戏Descenders的尝试。

The video shows Rose going to the “New” tab on the store, and not seeing the game, then typing in the full name of the game in the store’s search function. Even after doing that, he has to scroll past about 10 other entries ranging from DLC to TV shows to find that his game is at the absolute bottom of the list. The game was featured in the Latest Releases tab of the store at the time, so all was not lost, but it’s a good reminder that the deficiencies of the store’s model for discovering anything beyond the mega-huge titles have long been an issue.

视频显示Rose进入商店的“ New”标签,没有看到游戏,然后在商店的搜索功能中输入了游戏的全名。 即使这样做了,他也必须滚动浏览大约10个其他条目,从DLC到电视节目,才能发现他的游戏排在列表的绝对底部。 该游戏当时已在商店的“最新发行”选项卡中进行了展示,因此一切都没有丢失,但它很好地提醒了人们,商店模型在发现超大型游戏之外的任何东西的缺陷长期以来都是一个问题。

To be clear, the biggest sins belong to the website version of the Store, which is what we will mainly be discussing here. The PS4’s version of the Store at least has a few collections of games and the ability to filter by genres, two things that are largely lacking from the web version, but the problems of discoverability still exist.

要明确的是,最大的罪过是商店的网站版本,这是我们将在这里主要讨论的内容。 PS4版本的Store至少具有一些游戏集,并且具有按流派进行过滤的功能,这是Web版本在很大程度上缺少的两件事,但是可发现性问题仍然存在。

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