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I'm still using the Ultimate Developer PC 2.0 that I built last year. THE most important aspect of that build was not the super-fast processor or the fancy video cards. It was, and continues to be, the SSD. There is no other single thing that you can do to your computer that will make it feel faster than getting an SSD. If you need terabytes of storage, get an external drive, or a SAN like I did. But if you want to waste less time compiling, get an SSD. I know you want a terabyte, but get 160gigs or 256gigs if you can afford it.

我仍在使用去年构建的Ultimate Developer PC 2.0 。 该版本最重要的方面不是超高速处理器或精美的视频卡。 它曾经是,并将继续是SSD。 有没有其他单一的东西,你可以做你的计算机,这将使它感觉比得到一个SSD速度更快。 如果您需要TB的存储空间,请像我一样获得外部驱动器或SAN 。 但是,如果您想浪费更少的编译时间,请购买SSD。 我知道您想要1 TB的存储空间,但是如果您负担得起的话,可以得到160Gig或256Gigs。

Here's some compilation results from last year where I put the Ultimate Developer PC up against a now 4 year old laptop with an SSD.

这是去年的一些编译结果,我将Ultimate Developer PC与拥有4年历史的SSD笔记本电脑进行了对比

In this case I'm building NHibernate 3.0 from the command line. The older laptop is the far level and the new PC is the far right. Yes, the new PC is twice as fast, but if you look at the number of seconds spent building, the laptop does OK and that's directly due to the SSD upgrade.

在这种情况下,我将从命令行构建NHibernate 3.0。 最老的笔记本电脑是最高级的,而新的PC是最右边的。 是的,新PC的速度是以前的两倍,但是如果您看一下构建所花费的秒数,笔记本电脑就可以了,这直接是由于SSD升级所致。

Times are in seconds Lenovo W500 w/ SSD Ultimate PC 1.0 Ultimate PC 2.0
MSBuild /t:rebuild 36.05 35.52 16.12
MSBuild /t:rebuild /m 24.98 25.57 12.53
MSBuild 6.17 6.99 3.11
MSBuild /m 5.91 6.66 2.72
时间以秒为单位 联想W500带SSD 终极PC 1.0 终极PC 2.0
MSBuild / t:重建 36.05 35.52 16.12
MSBuild / t:重建/ m 24.98 25.57 12.53
MSBuild 6.17 6.99 3.11
MSBuild /米 5.91 6.66 2.72

I love my SSDs so much that I haven't done any upgrades to my machines other than SSDs. The argument is usually "SSDs cost too much." That WAS true. You can get a REALLY nice middle of the road Intel SSD for under $200 now. I've got two Crucial RealSSD C300's that are 256 gigs in two different machines and they are now under $400. They are so worth it, more than any other upgrade.

我非常喜欢我的SSD,因此除了SSD之外,我没有对计算机进行任何升级。 这种说法通常是“ SSD成本太高”。 没错。 您现在可以以不到200美元的价格买到真正不错的Intel SSD 。 我有两台Crucial RealSSD C300 ,它们分别在两台不同的机器上进行256演出,现在不到400美元。 他们是如此值得,比其他任何升级都重要。

UPDATE: I'm told by Damian Guard that the newer Crucial M4's are even better, both Crucial M4 128gig and Crucial M4 256gig.

更新 Damian Guard告诉我,更新的Crucial M4更好,包括Crucial M4 128gigCrucial M4 256gig

When I upgraded my laptop's HD to an SSD it went from about 68 megs a second read to 110 megs a second. At that point I was limited by the SATA bus on that older laptop.

当我将笔记本电脑的HD升级到SSD时,读取速度从每秒68兆秒提高到了每秒110兆秒。 那时,我受到那台旧笔记本电脑上SATA总线的限制。

On a desktop machine with a newer SATA bus I get 230 megs a second (that's megabytes not megabits) and that's not even what the max on the drive can get. If I put it on a 6Gb/s SATA bus it's not impossible to see 300 megs a second or more. Of course, it all depends on what kinds of writes you're doing, sequential vs. random, plus block sizes, but since I'm not Anand, I'll leave that detail to him.

在具有较新SATA总线的台式机上,我每秒获得230兆兆(兆字节而不是兆比特),这甚至不是驱动器所能达到的最大值。 如果我将其放在6Gb / s SATA总线上,那么每秒看到300兆或更多的信号并非不可能。 当然,这完全取决于您正在执行哪种类型的写入,顺序写入还是随机写入以及块大小,但是由于我不是Anand ,我将把细节留给他。

SSDs are FAST. That is not a lie.

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