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Recently I spoke at the Highland Fling Conference in Edinburgh and, as part of my presentation on Choosing the right Content Management System, I had a bit of a rant about the use of WYSIWYG editors in Content Management Systems. I think these things are responsible for not only a lot of badly formatted content, but also for holding back the development of better ways of allowing non-technical users to deliver content.

最近,我在爱丁堡的Highland Fling会议上发表了讲话,作为我关于选择正确的内容管理系统的演讲的一部分,我对在内容管理系统中使用所见即所得编辑器有些had之以鼻。 我认为这些因素不仅造成许多格式错误的内容,而且还阻碍了允许非技术用户提供内容的更好方法的发展。

WYSIWYG Editors suck because firstly, they are a flawed premise. What You See Is What You Get WHERE exactly? On a regular desktop browser, on your iPad, phone, in RSS, read out by a speaking browser? In most CMS implementations, you don’t see what you get on the web anyway, what you see is a textarea replaced by a box with a bunch of buttons at the top and you can see what your changes will look like in the context of that box – not on the site you are managing.

所见即所得的编辑很烂,因为首先,它们是一个有缺陷的前提。 您所看到的就是您在哪里得到的? 在常规的桌面浏览器上,在iPad上,在电话上,在RSS中 ,是否可以通过语音浏览器读出? 在大多数CMS实施中,您无论如何都看不到网络上的内容,而是将文本区域替换为顶部带有一堆按钮的框,并且可以看到在以下情况下所做的更改该框-不在您管理的网站上。

WYSIWYG Editors suck because they promote thinking about style rather than content. While content editors are busy changing headings to Comic Sans, pondering the use of a grimacing smiley on their about us page or getting creative with colour, they are not considering the actual copy they are adding to the site.

所见即所得的编辑之所以烂,是因为他们促进了对样式而非内容的思考。 内容编辑者忙于将标题更改为Comic Sans时,正在考虑在其关于我们的页面上使用令人作呕的笑脸或使用彩色创意时,他们并未考虑要添加到网站的实际副本。

WYSIWYG Editors suck because as a designer you lose control over big chunks of the design. Anywhere that allows people to enter HTML via an editor allows them to get as creative as they like, using any mark-up that they like. Unless you carefully go through and remove all the creativity that stuff is going to stay there. For developers, even if you switch off most of the buttons, just allowing the administrator to enter simple formatting and links, you still have a situation where a user is entering HTML which you then display on the website. This can enable all kinds of stuff to get into your content, which is then very hard to remove and fundamentally tied to the current design of the site.

所见即所得的编辑很烂,因为作为设计师,您无法控制大部分设计。 允许人们通过编辑器输入HTML的任何地方都可以使他们使用自己喜欢的任何标记来发挥自己的创意。 除非您仔细检查并删除所有创意,否则这些东西将留在那里。 对于开发人员来说,即使您关闭了大多数按钮,仅允许管理员输入简单的格式和链接,您仍然遇到用户输入HTML ,然后将其显示在网站上的情况。 这可以使各种内容进入您的内容,然后很难将其删除,并且从根本上与网站的当前设计相关。

For a content administrator a WYSIWYG editor is actually a very poor way for them to add content to the website. They end up with a big area and need to work our what to add in order for the content to be formatted as the designer intended. Consider adding an event to a page listing events for example, the designer may have created rules in the CSS to make the title, description and date display a certain way – but only if the correct mark-up and classes are added. It is hard to get the average content editor to use the correct heading level – never mind use microformats to enter an event or contact information!

对于内容管理员来说, 所见即所得编辑器实际上是他们向网站添加内容的一种非常差的方法。 它们最终占用了很大的空间,需要进行添加的工作才能使内容按照设计人员的意图进行格式化。 例如,考虑将事件添加到列出事件的页面上,设计者可能已经在CSS中创建了规则,以使标题,描述和日期以某种方式显示-但前提是要添加正确的标记和类。 普通的内容编辑器很难使用正确的标题级别–别介意使用微格式输入事件或联系信息!

所以他们很烂。 有什么选择? (So they suck. What’s the alternative?)

I think the alternative comes in two forms. Firstly, a lot of content that we are asking people to edit is not freeform, it has structure, semantic meaning. We need to provide a way to enable people to enter content in a way that maintains the meaning. This is something we’ve been doing with custom CMS builds for a long time over at edgeofmyseat.com and is really the core concept in Perch – our small CMS product. In Perch if I want the editor to add some contact details, I create a template with those details marked up using microformats.

我认为替代方法有两种形式。 首先,我们要求人们编辑的许多内容不是自由格式的,它具有结构,语义的含义。 我们需要提供一种方法,使人们能够以保持含义的方式输入内容。 这是我们在edgeofmyseat.com上使用自定义CMS构建所做的很长时间了, 实际上是Perch的核心概念–我们的小型CMS产品。 在Perch中,如果我想让编辑者添加一些联系方式,我将创建一个模板,并使用微格式标记这些细节。

A Perch template for a contact

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