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We have a new president here in the US. He is president-elect Barack Obama. This was a very long presidential race, long by even American standards. We're all exhausted from this race as a country and excited for January 20th, when the new president is inaugurated. It was a good race. John McCain gave a thoughtful and gracious concession speech. Barack Obama gave an inspirational acceptance speech.

我们在美国有一位新总统。 他是当选总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)。 这是一场非常漫长的总统竞选,甚至连美国的标准也是如此。 作为一个国家,我们都为这场比赛而精疲力尽,并为新总统就职的1月20日感到兴奋。 这是一场很好的比赛。 约翰·麦凯恩发表了深思熟虑的让步演讲。 巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)发表了鼓舞人心的致辞。

My wife, Mo, voted in her first election as a US Citizen. My boys will grow up in a country that values people of all kinds, including ones that look like them. Voter turnout was at historic levels and was organized and peaceful - THAT is a testament to this country and what we stand for.

我的妻子莫(Mo)在她作为美国公民的第一次选举中投票。 我的男孩将在一个重视各种人的国家长大,包括那些貌似他们的人。 选民投票率处于历史水平,组织得井井有条,这证明了这个国家和我们的立场。

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