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ChromePlus – Chromium浏览器的增强版


Do you love using Google Chrome but wish that it had some extra features built in? Now you can still enjoy all of that Chrome goodness and more with ChromePlus.

您是否喜欢使用Google Chrome浏览器,但希望它内置一些额外功能? 现在,您仍然可以使用ChromePlus享受所有这些Chrome优势。

Curious about what those extra features are? They are: Double click tab to close page, Mouse Gestures, Super drag (new tab creation for links and text search), IE tab, & Download tools supported in context menu.

好奇那些额外的功能是什么? 它们是:双击选项卡以关闭页面,鼠标手势,超级拖动(用于链接和文本搜索的新选项卡创建),IE选项卡,以及上下文菜单中支持的下载工具。



ChromePlus is easy to set up and like Iron Browser it installs to the Program Files area. Here you can see the install path if you are installing ChromePlus on Windows XP. If you are installing ChromePlus on Windows Vista, then your install path will look like this:

ChromePlus易于设置,并且像Iron Browser一样安装在Program Files区域。 如果要在Windows XP上安装ChromePlus,则可以在此处看到安装路径。 如果您要在Windows Vista上安装ChromePlus,则安装路径将如下所示:

“C:\Users\Asian Angel\AppData\Roaming\ChromePlus”

“ C:\ Users \ Asian Angel \ AppData \ Roaming \ ChromePlus”

But you can easily change the install directory in Vista to this:


“C:\Program Files\ChromePlus”

“ C:\ Program Files \ ChromePlus”

Note: Make certain to select the “Start Menu” shortcut creation while installing…the only one selected by default is for the “Desktop”.



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