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【英语阅读】纽约时报 | 感染新冠病毒是怎样的感受


‘An Anvil Sitting on My Chest’: What It’s Like to Have Covid-19

  • Anvil n.铁
  • Chest n.胸;衣柜;箱子;金库

There is a clinical list of Covid-19 symptoms that includes a dry cough, a fever and shortness of breath. And then there is how the disease actually feels. It is like a lengthy hangover. An anvil on your chest. An alien takeover. It is like being in a fight with Mike Tyson.
Covid-19的临床症状包括干咳、发烧和气短。而这种疾病给人带来的种种真切感觉,就像一场漫长的宿醉;就像胸口压了一块铁砧;就像被外星人接管;就像和迈克·泰森(Mike Tyson)打了一架。

  • clinical adj.临床的;诊所的
  • symptoms n.症状;症候
  • shortness n.不足;简略
  • hangover n.宿醉;残留物;遗物
  • Mike Tyson 拳王泰森

More than a million people in the United States have become unwilling hosts to the coronavirus. We spoke with some who were sickened by it — in many cases severely — and have since recovered. In vivid terms, they described what it was like to endure this scary and disorienting illness.

  • unwilling adj.不情愿的;不愿意的;勉强的
  • severely adv.严重的;严格地,严厉地;淳朴地
  • vivid adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的
  • endure vt/vi.忍耐;容忍
  • disorienting v.使迷失方向;使迷惑 adj.迷失方向的

Aaron M. Kinchen
亚伦·M·金辰(Aaron M. Kinchen)

Mr. Kinchen, 39, is a hairstylist in film production in Jersey City.

  • hairstylist n.发型师

I woke up with a headache that was Top 5 of my life, like someone inside my head was trying to push my eyes out. I got a 100.6-degree fever.

The fever went away, and then I had nausea and a metallic taste in my mouth. I was hungry, and then the taste of food was unappetizing. I put some onions in the Instant Pot to sauté. I put my face in the pot, but I couldn’t smell the onions. I had the runs — that lasted a couple of days.

  • nausea n.恶心,晕船;极端的憎恶
  • metallic adj.金属的;含金属的
  • unappetizing adj.引不起食欲的,食欲不振的
  • Instant adj.立即的;紧急的;紧迫的 n.瞬间;立刻;片刻

My partner had a cough and shortness of breath. I would just start sobbing. I was totally freaked out. We got nasal swabs together, and it felt like they took a piece of our brain.

  • freaked out 吓坏了的;受惊吓的
  • nasal adj.鼻的;鼻音的 n.鼻骨;鼻音
  • swabs n.标签;化验标本;墩布 v.擦拭;把…擦净

My partner got his results in 10 days. I got mine in 22.

LaToya Henry
拉托娅·亨利(LaToya Henry)

Ms. Henry, 43, owns a public relations firm in Lathrup Village, Mich.

It happened so fast. On Monday, I am in the parking lot of my allergist’s office with back pain and a cough that I thought was a sinus infection. On Saturday, I am in an ambulance headed to an emergency room.

  • allergist n.过敏症专科医生
  • sinus n.静脉窦;下陷或凹下去的地方
  • ambulance n.救护车;战时流动医院

Three days later, the doctors placed me in a medically induced coma and put me on a ventilator. I was in the hospital for two weeks.

  • medically adv.医学上的;医药上的
  • induced adj.感应的;诱发型 v.引诱;说服
  • coma n.昏迷
  • ventilator n.通风设备;换气扇;呼吸机

Everything hurt. Nothing in my body felt like it was working. I felt so beat up, like I had been in a boxing ring with Mike Tyson. I had a fever and chills — one minute my teeth are chattering and the next minute I am sweating like I am in a sauna.

  • beat up adj.年久失修的;残破的 v.暴打;痛打;惊动;搅拌
  • fever n.发烧,发热;狂热 vt.使发烧;使狂热;使患热病 vi.发烧;狂热;患热病
  • chattering n.震颤,喋喋不休 v.唠叨,饶舌;打战
  • sauna n.桑拿浴 vi.洗桑拿浴

And the heavy, hoarse cough, my God. The cough rattled through my whole body. You know how a car sounds when the engine is sputtering? That is what it sounded like.

  • heavy adj.沉重的;繁重的;巨大的;拥挤的 n.重物;严肃角色 adv.大量地;笨重地
  • hoarse adj.嘶哑的 嘶哑地
  • rattled adj.担忧的;紧张的,恼火的 v.发出连续短促的高音;呆在…里;占用
  • sputtering n.噼啪声 v.(引擎,灯或火)发噼啪声;急促而语无伦次地说;时断时续地进行

My sister kept telling me to fight. All I could do was pray because my body had gone kaput.

  • pray vt.祈祷;恳求;央求 vi.祈祷;请;恳求
  • kaput adj.过时的;故障的;失败了的;坏了的

David Hammer
戴维·哈默(David Hammer)

Mr. Hammer, 45, is an investigative reporter in New Orleans.

  • investigative adj.研究的;调查的

On Day 10, I woke up at 2:30 a.m. holding a pillow on my chest. I felt like there was an anvil sitting on my chest. Not a pain, not any kind of jabbing — just very heavy.

  • jabbing n.戳,猛击 v.戳;猛击;用…快刺

When I told my wife I had this terrible pressure in my chest, she was like, “Sit up.” She made me some tea, and told me to cough.

I’ve never really had a panic attack before, but I’d never felt anything like this. I started to feel tingling in my fingers and my extremities, and I’m thinking, “This is a heart attack.”

  • tingling n.麻刺感 adj.挠痒痒的 v.感到刺痛,受到刺激,产生
  • extremities n.四肢,骨端;末端,极限;手足

What I was experiencing was not extreme difficulty breathing — it was panic about whether I had extreme difficulty breathing.

  • whether conj.是否,不论 pron.两个中的哪一个

The thing that makes this so scary is that it is not linear, and the recovery is not linear.

Ruth Backlund
露丝·巴克伦德(Ruth Backlund)

Ms. Backlund, 72, is a retired French teacher in Anacortes, Wash.

You’re just so paranoid because all these weird symptoms come up that you haven’t read about. There is such a wide range of symptoms that you just keep waiting for the other shoe to fall. You’re always asking yourself, “Is this the virus?”

  • paranoid adj.类似妄想症的;属于偏执狂的 n.患妄想症的人;偏执狂患者
  • symptoms n.症状;症候

One of my friends started getting better — and then she ended up dying. Several people started feeling better, and then took a dive. So, you’re never really confident. For at least a couple of weeks, you’re just not, because it could go awry.

  • awry adj.脱离既定路线的;歪的 adv.迷途地;歪

I don’t ever want to get this again. It’s a pretty awful feeling. It’s just so weird the way you swear that it’s mutating in your body every day, trying something else.

  • mutating vi.变化,产生突变 vt.使突变,改变

Mark Backlund
马克·巴克伦德(Mark Backlund)

Mr. Backlund, 73, is a psychiatrist in Anacortes, Wash.

  • psychiatrist n.精神病学家,精神病医生

It was just a loss of all energy and drive. There was no horizontal surface in my house that I didn’t want to just lay down on all day long.

  • horizontal adj.水平的;地平线的;同一阶级的 n.水平线,水平面

I didn’t want to do anything. And my brain wasn’t working very well. I was calling it “the corona fog.”

  • fog n.烟雾;迷惑 vt.使迷惑;使模糊;以雾笼罩

The L.A. Times actually sent a reporter and a photographer to our house and took a photograph of my wife at the piano and me with her singing. And I looked at the picture the next day, and I looked like Skeletor.

  • Skeletor 骷髅

I just looked, and I thought, “I’ve got to start taking this seriously.” I had to slap myself in the face and say, “You’ve got to start eating, and you’ve got to start drinking.”

Jared Miller
贾里德·米勒(Jared Miller)

Mr. Miller, 27, lives in Brooklyn and is a general manager at a food delivery platform.

  • delivery n.交付;分娩;递送

It felt like a very long hangover. Smelling something, getting nauseous. The headache. The overall weakness that your body feels, but more severe.

  • nauseous adj.令人作呕的;厌恶的
  • overall adj.全部的;全体的;一切在内的 adv.全部地;总的来说 n.工装裤;罩衫

It was chills on a level that I’ve never experienced. Intense shivering. It was very hard to move. I had really intense body aches. It felt like I was in a U.F.C. match and beaten up.

  • shivering n.颤抖 v.颤抖,哆嗦;敲碎,粉碎
  • beaten adj.被打败了的;精疲力尽的;踏平的 v.打败

Doing anything other than laying in bed and sleeping was difficult. You had to be in the right position in order for your chest to not hurt. Or you had to be in a certain position in order to be able to take a full, comfortable breath.

  • certain adj.某一;必然的;确信;无疑的;有把握的 pron.某些;某几个
  • position n.位置;职位;姿态 v.安置;把…放在适当的位置

It’s like deep inside your chest. You feel it. Something is definitely inside of me, and I’m definitely infected with something.

  • definitely adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地

Clement Chow
克莱门特·周(Clement Chow)

Mr. Chow, 38, is an assistant professor of human genetics in Salt Lake City.

  • genetics n.遗传学

Walking made me lose my breath. I was just gasping. It felt like drowning.

  • gasping v.喘气;渴望

I was in the I.C.U. for my whole stay — five days. The scariest part was being alone. My wife dropped me off at the E.R. and then was asked to leave. I didn’t see her or my kids until I was discharged.

  • discharged adj.放电的;泄出的 v.排出;卸货

While in the I.C.U., I spent nights awake thinking about whether I was going to die. The first night they told me that they might have to intubate me, and I spent that whole night wondering whether I would ever see my family again.

  • intubate vt.把管子插进

The physical pain was mostly taken care of by drugs and oxygen. But the loneliness was real. The staff, too — everyone was in P.P.E., so the interactions were very impersonal. I still don’t know what any of the staff look like.

  • loneliness n.寂寞,孤独
  • interactions n.交互,互相作用;互相交流

I did have great staff. They are amazing. Just didn’t realize that seeing people’s faces was so important to feeling safe.

Lauren Taylor
劳伦·泰勒(Lauren Taylor)

Ms. Taylor, 71, is a geriatric social worker in New York.

  • geriatric adj.老人的;老年医学的 n.老年病人;衰老病人

My chest was tight, I was feverish, my appetite was going away and I had digestive issues. I lost seven pounds. I called my doctor, and she said I needed to go to a hospital.

  • feverish adj.发热的;极度兴奋的
  • appetite n.食欲;嗜好
  • digestive adj.消化的;助消化的 n.助消化药

They put me in an isolation room, took my vitals, swabs and did a chest X-ray. It came back showing multifocal pneumonia. An E.R. doc said to me: “You can still breathe on your own. You’re better off going home. If something changes, let me know, but we are about to run out of equipment in six days.”
他们把我安置在隔离室,检测了我的各项体征,取了拭子,并照了胸部 X 光片。X光片显示多灶性肺炎。一位急诊室医生对我说:“你仍然可以自主呼吸。你最好回家。有什么变化就告诉我,但是我们的装备将在6天内用尽。”

  • vitals n.命脉;重要器官;要害
  • multifocal adj.多焦点的;多病灶的
  • pneumonia n.肺炎
  • equipment n.设备,装备;器材

My fever broke two weeks after the emergency room visit. There were a couple of days when I thought, “I’m not going to make it — this is taking over my body.”

I’m at the beginning of a very long recovery. Yesterday morning, I woke up feeling like I had difficulty breathing. The doctor said it was a scare, not a relapse.

David Lat
大卫·拉特(David Lat)

Mr. Lat, 44, is a legal journalist and recruiter in New York.

  • journalist n.新闻工作者;报人;记日志者
  • recruiter n.招聘人员,征兵人员

I was barely able to walk or even stand, perhaps from not getting enough oxygen. But luckily, I had enough strength to make it to my nearest emergency room, which is where I belonged.

  • barely adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地

The intubation itself felt like a scene out of “ER” or “Chicago Hope,” one of controlled intensity. Attached to the ventilator, I slept for the next six days or so. I was later told that I woke up at various points, sometimes to try and remove the breathing tube or to write down questions. But I remember nothing of this.
插管本身感觉像是《急诊室的故事》(ER)或《芝加哥希望》(Chicago Hope)里的场景,有一种受控的紧张。连上呼吸机后,我睡了大约六天。后来,他们告诉我,我曾经几次醒来,有时试图拿掉呼吸管,或试着写下问题。但是我都不记得。

  • intubation n.插管;插管法
  • intensity n.强度;强烈;紧张
  • various adj.各种各样的;多方面的
  • tube n.管;隧道;电视机 vt.使成管状;把…装管;用管运输 vi.乘地铁;不及格

When I woke up, I felt like Rip Van Winkle. It was as if those six days never happened. In my first conversation with my husband after extubation, I returned to the exact same topic we had been discussing right before I was intubated: whether he could bring a duffel bag of clothes and books to the hospital.
醒来时,我感觉就像瑞普·凡·温克尔(Rip Van Winkle)。好像那六天从未发生过。拔管后与丈夫的第一次交谈中,我回到了插管前我们还在讨论的话题:他能不能拿一袋衣服和书到医院来。

  • extubation n.拔管;除管法
  • duffel n. 粗厚起绒呢料;粗呢连帽风雪大衣;运动器材;圆筒状肩背旅行袋

Kadambari Wade
卡丹巴里·韦德(Kadambari Wade)

Ms. Wade, 44, lives in Chandler, Ariz., and works at a security and surveillance company.

  • surveillance n.监督;监视

I’ve never felt so bizarre. My body felt like it was not my own. I had crazy back pain. Sometimes I felt like I couldn’t move my shoulders.

  • bizarre adj.奇异的

I had a raw, dry cough, and the fevers spiked in the night. I have a C-section scar from 10 years ago that hurt again because I was coughing so much.

  • spiked adj.尖的;有穗的;加入标准的

Everything I did left me feeling a little winded, and just the simple act of getting up and having a shower was tiring.

  • winded adj.喘气的;通风的;有风的 v.缠绕;上发条;蜿蜒

I had no appetite. I had to force myself to eat. I lost nine pounds.

The only thing I can tell anyone else, especially people who don’t know what they have and who are wondering, is: “If you can get up and walk a little bit, walk two steps more. Just do whatever you can to keep moving.”

Thoka Maer
托卡·梅尔(Thoka Maer)

Ms. Maer, 35, illustrated this piece and is based in New York.

  • illustrated v.加插画于…;说明;表明… 的真实 adj.有插图的

It’s not like a common cold, where you feel a sore throat and sniffles. It just goes straight into your lungs, and you feel other symptoms coming from it.

  • sniffles n.鼻塞声;抽噎声 v.抽噎;吸着鼻子说话
  • lungs n.肺

My stomach pain was so bad, it felt like I had appendicitis. I also had a bad cough, shortness of breath and a heavy feeling in my lungs. I slept 19 hours a day, and it still didn’t feel like enough.

  • appendicitis n.阑尾炎;盲肠炎

When I started to recover, I lost my sense of smell and taste. It happened in one day.

The entire recovery process is two steps forward, one step back. You keep wondering the whole time, “Is this it?”

When it was over, I woke up feeling like a weight let go of me. It feels like I got a get-out-of-jail-free card now that I can move around outside a little more freely.


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