目录: (Table of contents:)
Find Someone With a Different Coding Style and Discuss it With Them
Be Willing to Rewrite Your Own Code When You Learn Something New
Minimize the Use of “And” When Describing Parts of Your Code
Being a developer is a fantastic career, full of great challenges and puzzle-solving that keeps us awake at night. As developers of any skill level are in high demand and tend to be far too busy, they often don’t have enough time to stop and think about their own work.
成为开发人员是一个了不起的职业,充满了巨大的挑战和难题的解决方案,使我们彻夜难眠。 由于各种技能水平的开发人员都需求很高,并且往往太忙了,因此他们通常没有足够的时间停下来思考自己的工作。
Technology is advancing at an unbelievable rate and we are required to keep up. However, many developers don’t want to. They learned something years ago and they continue to follow the same bad practice to this day. Well, if a programmer repeats the same old (often incorrect) concept over and over, even ten years of experience can’t help them to become a better coder. On the other hand, studying can skyrocket your knowledge and skills towards programming in any language.
技术正在以惊人的速度发展,我们必须跟上发展的步伐。 但是,许多开发人员都不想这样做。 他们在几年前学到了一些东西,直到今天仍在遵循同样的坏习惯。 好吧,如果程序员一遍又一遍地重复同样的旧概念(通常是错误的),那么即使十年的经验也无法帮助他们成为更好的程序员。 另一方面,学习可以使您的知识和技能Swift发展为使用任何语言进行编程。
Experience built on knowledge increases much quicker and is more valuable.
建立在知识上的经验增长更快,更有价值 。
I would like to share 20 tips with you that will boost your coding skills immediately. If you’re a beginner, pick a few, and study the particular topic further. It will be one of the best investments in your career. Knowledge without experience is not very useful — experience without knowledge can easily create a mess.
我想与您分享20条技巧,这些技巧将立即提高您的编码技能。 如果您是初学者,请选择一些,然后进一步研究特定主题。 这将是您职业生涯中最好的投资之一。 没有经验的知识不是很有用-没有知识的经验很容易造成混乱。
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